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Dustin Blake Mcfadden Smith
Né àAlabama
21 years
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Michelle Spears Upton Prayers for you June 15, 2011
Im so sorry for your loss.  Praying for you and your family, may the Peace of God be with you as you go thru this difficult time.
Sophia (Louetta) Lambeth Sutto Cousin June 11, 2011

I know that in this time and this hour words will not even begin to comfort you and your lovely family. But know that we will be lifting you all up in prayer and that we love you and will be there if you need us. I will not even try to say I know how you feel. But I can say, I am here. Love you all

Mary A Prayer for Today June 10, 2011
When I lost my son I found this prayer - I say it every day.  I pray you find strength in God.

God, give me the eyes to see Your face in the midst of my troubles.  Thank You for never leaving me and for giving me what I need to persevere through my roughest days.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.
Condoléances totales: 3
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